- Exploring the energy landscape of aluminas through machine learning interatomic potential
- Electronic structure and topology in gulf-edged zigzag graphene nanoribbons
- Adaptive energy reference for machine-learning models of the electronic density of states
- Spectrally resolved far-field emission pattern of single photon emitters in $mathrm{Mo}{mathrm{S}}_{2}$
- Evidence of antiferromagnetism in ultrathin metallic (111)-oriented ${mathrm{LaNiO}}_{3}$ films
- Origins of background signal effects in all-metallic non-local spin valves
- Atomistic modeling of bulk and grain boundary diffusion in solid electrolyte ${mathrm{Li}}_{6}{mathrm{PS}}_{5}mathrm{Cl}$ using machine-learning interatomic potentials
- Threshold displacement energies in refractory high-entropy alloys
- Migration and clustering of early-stage irradiation damage in vanadium
- Defect energy formalism for CALPHAD thermodynamics of dilute point defects
- Size-dependent fracture in elastomers: Experiments and continuum modeling
- Anomalous proximitized transport in metal/quantum magnet heterostructure ${mathrm{Bi}}_{2}{mathrm{Ir}}_{2}{mathrm{O}}_{7}/{mathrm{Yb}}_{2}{mathrm{Ti}}_{2}{mathrm{O}}_{7}$
- Emergence of mixing-induced polymorphic phase with higher mobility in alkylated layered organic semiconductors
- Characterizing the chemical potential disorder in the topological insulator ${({mathrm{Bi}}_{1−x}{mathrm{Sb}}_{x})}_{2}{mathrm{Te}}_{3}$ thin films
- Probing enhanced superconductivity in van der Waals polytypes of ${mathrm{V}}_{x}{mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$